Taib Mahmud, who retained his seat in Balingian in last week's polls, has 'outlived so many PMs'. Does Najib think he can shake him off easily?
No, Sarawak is not Barisan Nasional’s FD. It is Taib’s FD, so you will witness the same rapacious greed.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak will find it difficult in days ahead to dislodge Taib Mahmud.
Even as he knows what Taib is doing in Sarawak.
He knows what is happening to Sarawak’s forests, knows the labyrinth of Taib’s and his cabal’s business interests and he knows what Awang Tengah Ali Hassan (Minister of Planning and Resouce Management and Public Utilities) and Rosie (Taib’s sister Raziah Mahmud) is doing.
And probably Taib has well placed his strategic operatives within Najib’s inner circle.
So I am not going to comfort myself by saying – its OK, Najib has over 30 years of political schooling and is equipped enough to deal with Taib.
Taib has more than 30 years. He has outlived so many PMs.
The fact is the majority obtained by Taib’s Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu was better than in 2006.
They increased their majority in 23 out of the 35 constituencies PBB contested.
Taib has delivered a 100% success rate for PBB.
His coalition partners Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president James Masing too did well. PRS delivered eight out of nine seats it contested and Sarawak
Progressive Democratic Party gave BN six wins out of eight seats contested.
Only George Chan’s Sarawak United Peoples party (SUPP) fared badly but that was a foregone conclusion and Taib was well prepared for this.
Off mark information
As such I am not sure about the unbounded optimism inferring that Najib will know how to handle Taib.
Most probably he doesn’t. The information his intelligence people gave him were off the mark.
If they were precise or reflect the true picture, he would not publicly declare that Taib will retire soon.
Even Special Branch (SB) sheepishly admitted that at one point the information was cooked.
The silverback of a politician had flatly said that he will leave when he is ready to go and not when Najib wants him to.
Would Najib be happy if Taib tells the public that Najib will leave in a few years?
Today one towkay announced that he will be forming a new Chinese based party.
Perhaps to supplant SUPP which lost badly? Among Taib’s Sarawak BN – Sarawak’s MCA cousin, the SUPP performed worse.
Its president, Chan, lost. So, maybe Taib will nurture the new party to replace SUPP.
Umno has no standing
Allow it to speak in bellicose posturing perhaps. Perhaps he’ll even create a BN-friendly DAP and steal the thunder from Sarawak DAP?
Then Taib will teach Najib how to handle things.
How will Najib handle Taib? How will Umno deal with this? Umno can’t control the outcome in Sarawak in future so how can it do so now?
Umno hasn’t got the standing to tell PBB what to do.
PBB delivered 100%. Umno? It couldnt even get half of the Malay support in the 2008 elections.
It can’t get a 100% success rate. But PBB did.
While the votes for PBB Naik (increased), the Malay votes for Umno Turun (dropped)!
Out of the 5.7 million Malays who voted in 2008, Umno candidates got only around 2 million votes. So does Umno have a standing?
PBB will say to Umno: “Hold on, We don’t need your unsolicited advice on how to carry out our work. You take care of your own backyard.”
Because Taib’s hold on Sarawak is so entrenched, Najib will not dare move against him.
Taib has many on his side who are against Najib’s side.
The Taib factors
One, the rise of Chinese rejection of Barisan Nasional and its politics. No matter what the reasons are – DAP bringing Chinese chauvinism over to Sarawak or whatever.
You can’t persuade the Chinese to vote for you and that will remain so for many years.
By the way – did anyone mention on that particular Friday in Mukah that a function allegedly arranged for Mahathir got cancelled for the lack of an audience?
Mahathir apparently remained at his hotel and later joined Sawarakian Muslims for Friday prayers.
Sungguh biadap anak buah Taib Mahmud ini.
Two, you have the independent persona of Taib. He doesn’t depend on the charity of the federal government.
The federal government has a hold on Sarawak’s oil, yes.
But Sarawak has full autonomy and authority over its gas. Curiously the agreement over energy with Sarawak apparently doesn’t cover gas which is plentiful in Sarawak.
Taib, it is said has pre-sold Sarawak’s gas ensuring steady income to the state.
In other words, Taib is less beholden to Najib in so many ways.
Taib is also not an Umno member and so is immune from cajoling and threats from fellow Umno major domos and other hatchet men.
So how will Najib handle Taib? Wait for the my next installment.
The writer is a former Umno state rep and an FMT columnist.
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