The church has given permission to reveal to the people the last part of the message.The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, this is a proven fact. One of those children, Lucia disclosed the message for the first time to Pope Pius XII whom, after reading it, he sealed it and stored away without making it public. Later Pope John XXIII read it and, in the same manner as his predecessor he kept it away from the public eye because he knew that once revealed, it will bring desperation and panic to human kind.
Now that the time has come, and permission has been granted from Pope John Paul II to reveal it to the children of God, in order not to create panic but to make people aware of this important message so that everybody can be prepared.
The Virgin told Lucia:
"Go my child and tell the world what will come to pass during the 1950's-2000's. Men are not practising the Commandments that our Father has given us. Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world in minutes, half the human race will be destroyed, the war will begin against Rome, and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders.
God will allow all natural phenomenon's like smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, winds and inclement weather to slowly batter the planet. These things will come to pass before the year 2010. Those who won't believe, this is the time.Those who lack charity towards others and those who do not love thy neighbour like my beloved Son has loved you, all, cannot survive. They will wish to have died, millions are unimaginable, they will come, and there is no doubt.
Our Lord God will punish severely those who do not believe in him, those who despise him, and those who did not have time for him.
I call upon all of you to come to my son Jesus Christ, God helps the world but all those who do not show fidelity and loyalty will be destroyed."
Father Augustin, who lives in Fatima, said that Pope John Paul VI gave him the permission to visit Lucia who was a Cloistered nun (she does not leave the monastery nor is allowed to receive any visitors). He said that Lucia received him greatly overwhelmed and told him:
"Father, our Lady is very sad because nobody is interested in her prophecy of 1917, though the righteous are walking through a narrow path, the evil ones are walking through an ample road that is leading them straight to their destruction, believe me Father, the punishment will come soon.
"Many souls will be lost, many nations will disappear from the earth. But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice good deeds, the world can be saved. One of all these, if men persist with its evil, the world will be lost forever.
The time has come has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed lady to their families, friends, and to the entire world. Start praying to make penitence and sacrifices. We are at the last minute of the last day and the catastrophes are near. Due to this, many that were far from the church will return to the open arms of the Church of Jesus Christ. The joining of the churches will result in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, England, Russia, China, Jews, Muslims, and Protestants. All will return believing and worshipping God our creator, in his beloved Son and in our Blessed Mother Virgin Mary".
This war will destroy everything, darkness will fall over us for 72 hours (3 days) and the one third of humanity that survives this obscurity and sacrifice, will commnece to live in a new era, they will be good people. In a very cold night, 10 minutes before midnight, A GREAT QUAKE will shake the earth for 8 hours. This will be the third signal that God is who governs the earth. The righteous and those who propagate the faith and the message of the Lady of Fatima SHOULD NOT FEAR, DO NOT BE AFRAID.
Bow your heads, kneel down and ask God for forgiveness. Because only what is good and is not under the power of evil will survive the catastrophe. In order for you to prepare and remain alive I will give you the following signs: ANGUISH.............AND IN SHORT PERIOD THE EARTHQUAKE WILL COMMENCE.........THE EARTH WILL SHAKE.......The shake will be so violent that it will move the earth 23 Degrees and it will return to its normal position.
Then, total and absolute darkness will cover the entire planet... All evil spirits will be mingling around and free, doing harm to those souls that did not want to listen to this message and those who did not want to repent. To the faithful souls, remember to light the blessed candles, prepare a sacred altar with a crucifix in order to communicate with GOD and implore for His infinite mercy....
All will be dark, IN THE SKY A GREAT MYSTIC CROSS will appear to remind us the price that his beloved Son had to pay for our redemption.....In the house the only thing that can give light will be the HOLY CANDLES....Once lit, nothing will put them off until three days of darkness are over.
Also you should have the Holy Water that should be sprinkled abundantly on windows and doors. The Lord will protect the property of the chosen ones.....Kneel down before the powerful cross of my beloved Son, pray the Rosary and after each Hail Mary you must pray the following: "Oh God forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those who are in more need of Thy mercy. Blessed Virgin Mary protect us, we love you, save us and save the world".
Pray 5 Creeds and the Rosary which is the secret to my Immaculate Heart. All those who believe in my words go and take the message to everyone. DO NOT FEAR, FEAR NOTHING DURING THE LORD'S GREAT DAY. Talk to all the souls now that there is time, those who keep quiet will be responsible for all those souls who will perish in ignorance. All those who pray humbly the rosary will have the protection of heaven and those who are bound to die. I will help them die in peace and they will be holy when they enter the other world. I wish all my children to attend mass every first Friday and every first Saturday of each month, to confess and receive the Holy Communion and in doing so, save the world from its TOTAL DESTRUCTION.
When the earth shakes no more, those who still do not believe in our Lord will perish in a horrible way. The wind will bring gas and it will disperse everywhere, then the sun will rise. Maybe you will survive this catastrophe. Do not forget that God's punishment is holy and ONCE IT HAS STARTED YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK OUTSIDE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE, GOD DOES NOT WANT ANY OF HIS CHILDREN TO SEE WHEN HE PUNISHES THE SINNERS.....
All this encompasses with the writings of the Holy Scripturess.......Read on the New Testament: Lucas 21 - 5:121, 12:19, 20:20, 29:33 Letters of St Paul 3-8-14 Isaiah 40, 1:5:9. You must understand that God allows all this to happen. The Pope and Bishops are now awaiting another message that speaks of repentance and prayer. Remember that God's words are not a threat, but good news....Please arrange to FORWARD and PLEDGE to all your friends so we can all have the opportunity to repent and be saved. We do not know if those receiving this message believe or not in GOD, but think that if you're receiving this message: It's for a reason!!!
Maybe the Creator is giving us the chance to be saved, no matter what religion or creed. If you don't believe in this message at least send it to others, it costs you nothing. To all those receiving it, they can have the opportunity to judge for themselves. Remember that we can avoid a great deal if we practice the commandments that our Father God left us. There are 10 simple things, that if we all put in practice we can obtain God's pardon.
Enti Bejalai Anang Enda Betungkat Ke Adat, Enti Tinduk Anang Enda Bepanggal Ke Pengingat
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Joel Rosenberg
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (KJV). Guess what? He wasn’t kidding. You rarely hear about it on the news. You rarely even hear about it in churches in the West, in the East, or even in the Middle East. But the big, untold story is that more Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ today than at any other time in history.
After criss-crossing the Islamic world over the last several years and interviewing more than 150 pastors and ministry leaders operating deep inside the most difficult countries for Inside The Revolution, I can report that in Iran, more than 1 million Shia Muslims have turned to Christ since 1979. In Pakistan, there are now more than 2.5 million followers of Jesus Christ. In Sudan, there are now more than 5 million followers of Christ. Not every country has seen millions leave Islam to become adherants of the New Testament teachings of Jesus. In Syria, there are between 4,000 and 5,000 believers, but this is up from almost none in 1967. In Saudi Arabia, there are about 100,000 followers of Jesus now, up from almost none in 1967. But overall, the trend has been dramatic and largely unreported.
For many Muslims, despair and despondency at what they see as the utter failure of Islamic governments and societies to improve their lives and give them peace, security, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life are causing them to leave Islam in search of truth. Some have lost their way entirely and become agnostics and atheists. Others, as we have seen, have sadly turned to alcohol and drug abuse. But millions are finding that only Jesus Christ heals the ache in their hearts and the deep wounds in their souls.
For other Muslims, it is not depression but rage that is driving them away from the Qur’an and the mosque. They are seeing far too many Muslim leaders and governments and preachers both advocating and acting out cruelty toward women and children and violence even against fellow Muslims. Not all of these find Jesus in their journey away from Islam, but millions do, especially since the 9/11 attacks against the United States. In fact, while this backlash against the theology and practice of Radicalism has been building since 1979, I first began to detect it during my travels in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East soon after 9/11. Again and again, I would meet people who had long been devout and traditional Muslims who told me that they had watched with horror as Arabic television networks constantly replayed the images of commercial airliners hijacked by radical Islamic jihadists flying into the World Trade Center.
First they found themselves weeping. But then they saw other Muslims cheering, and their sadness turned to anger as they asked themselves, “Is this who we really are? Is this what it really means to be a Muslim? To fly planes into buildings and kill thousands of innocent civilians? Because if it is, then count me out. How could I possibly be part of a religion or a political movement that glorifies and celebrates death?”
That said, what intrigues me is not simply that the Revivalists say the greatest spiritual awakening in the history of the Middle East is under way. What intrigues me is that Islamic leaders are worrying in public that a Christian surge is taking place in the region.
In 1993, a Saudi sheikh by the name of Salman Al-Odeh delivered a sermon entitled
“Christian Missionaries Sweeping the Islamic World.” He argued that “in Spain [Christians] have the biggest center of missionaries to Africa. They are trained really well, and their efforts lead many Moroccans to convert.” He then cited the World Christian Encyclopedia—which he described as a “dangerous survey”—and warned his fellow Muslims that “the number of Christians in Africa was 9 million only in 1900 AD, or . . . 9 percent of the whole population. In the year 1980 they became 200 million! . . . They jumped from 9 to 200 million in 80 years [and the survey’s authors] expected them to reach 390 million in the year 2000, or 48 percent of the whole population of Africa.”
Eight years later, in December 2001, Sheikh Ahmad Al Qataani, another significant Saudi cleric, appeared in a live interview on Aljazeera satellite television to confirm that, sure enough, Muslims were turning to Jesus in alarming numbers. “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity,” Al Qataani warned. “Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.”
Let me give you an example.
I met “Shakir” during my first trip to Iraq in February of 2008. Another fearless and effective evangelist, church planter, and pastor in his war-torn country, Shakir (pronounced “Shah-keer”) has a tremendous passion to care for the poor and needy, preach the gospel—especially in villages and rural areas—and help young converts from Islam study the Bible and become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. But this was not always the case. Indeed, how Shakir became a Christian and entered full-time ministry is one of the most fascinating testimonies I have personally had the privilege of hearing firsthand. What’s more, spending time with him helped me understand more fully the theology of the Revivalists.
Our journey to a humanitarian relief project we were doing together was long and dusty and required our little team, traveling in an old Chevy Impala, to pass through numerous military checkpoints, each manned by heavily armed Iraqi soldiers and policemen checking passports and asking questions, all on high alert for members of al Qaeda and the Mahdi Army. Along the way, I found myself staring out at a landscape that was often as barren as the surface of the moon, covered with rocks, nearly devoid of vegetation, and only scarcely populated. During a lull in the conversation with an Iraqi in the car whom I had known for several years, I asked the meek-looking and mild-mannered Pastor Shakir how he had become a Christ follower and a pastor.
“Were you raised in a Christian home?” I asked through our translator.
“No,” he replied quietly. “I was raised a Muslim.”
“Really!” I said, a bit startled. “What did you do before becoming a pastor?”
“I was a jihad cell commander.”
I gulped. You don’t say, I thought. He certainly had my full attention now.
“Please, tell me your story,” I said eagerly, pulling out my notebook. Shakir graciously agreed.
He explained that he was born in 1975 to a devout Sunni Muslim family and that as he grew up he became deeply religious. Even at an early age, he loved going to the mosque regularly, and by the age of seventeen, he had joined a secret Radical Islamic movement. He studied hard and learned quickly, and before long he was teaching the Qur’an in various mosques.
“My leaders then sent me to a military training camp where I was trained to use light weapons—pistols, machine guns, and RPGs [rocket propelled grenades]—against the infidels,” he told me. “I was so excited because I wanted to do jihad for God. I was fully convinced that the Shias and the Christians were blasphemers and that if I killed them I would be blessed.”
After successfully completing “Terrorism 101,” Shakir was made a jihad cell commander and was ordered to quietly recruit other jihadists. “I soon had a group of my own followers,” he explained. “I would put them through this military training and then help them get jobs in different government offices and other shops and businesses so they could spy for me and be in position to do great damage when we launched the overthrow of Saddam and his regime.”
One day, one of Shakir’s Radical Muslim disciples came to him and said that someone was distributing Bibles to everyone in the machine shop where he worked. The disciple was very angry and told Shakir that he had cursed out everyone in the shop, collected all the Bibles, and promptly destroyed them. All but one.
“He brought one Bible—a New Testament—to me and said I should read it and see how to react to it and counter it,” Shakir explained. He said he praised his disciple for acting quickly and decisively. Then he sent the disciple away and took the Bible home, and that night he began to read the Gospel according to Matthew.
“I read the book very fervently to find all the blasphemies and corruption,” Shakir said. “But I discovered the words started affecting my mind, and my heart started changing. These were powerful words, not human words. They seemed to me like God’s words. But I thought, ‘How could this be?’”
Shakir became deeply troubled. He kept reading through Matthew but was ashamed of himself because rather than finding fault with these Christian Scriptures, he found himself completely intrigued. He had so many questions. But whom could he ask? He couldn’t very well start discussing the life and teachings of Jesus with the members of the terrorist cell group he was leading. He couldn’t very well ask questions of the terrorist leaders above him. He didn’t dare seek out any Christians. So night after night he kept reading the Gospels, searching for answers. The more he did, the more troubled and anxious he became.
“After reading the Bible in a deep way, I began comparing it with the Qur’an,” he told me.
“I was so confused, and in my confusion, I began pleading with God, ‘Please show me Yourself.’ I begged God, ‘Please, show me the right way—is it the Qur’an or the Bible?’”
This went on for several nights.“One night,” he said, “I was really pleading with God fervently to show me the true, straight path. And that night I had a dream. I found myself standing on the side of a road. There was a large crowd gathered on both sides of the road, and they were cheering and very excited. And I realized that they were awaiting a parade to go by.
So I looked down the road to see who was coming, and I saw many prophets riding on horses coming towards us. Suddenly Jonah was riding by. And then David. And Abraham. And Moses—riding on high, strong horses. Everyone was cheering and I was cheering. It was so exciting to see these prophets.”
Shakir kept waiting for Muhammad to come riding by as well, but Muhammad never came. He was not in the parade of prophets. Instead, Shakir said that “at the end of the procession, I saw another person riding, but He was riding on a donkey instead of a horse. He was wearing a white robe, and His face was covered by a white shroud. When this person approached, for some reason I heard myself calling out to Him and asking, ‘Are you Jesus?’ Like I said, His face was covered by a white cloth. So I couldn’t really see His face at that moment. But when He heard my question, the man pulled the cloth away from His face and smiled at me and nodded yes.
“Something came from His face that filled me with a joy I had never felt in my whole life. I started shouting, ‘I saw Jesus! I saw Jesus!’ I was so happy and so joyful and I was laughing. But as soon as I woke up, I realized that my pillowcase and my sheets were all wet around my head. I realized that at some point during my dream I had been crying—sobbing—in shame for all of my sins, for all of my hatred.”
Shakir said he found himself overcome with the realization that he had been so wrong about God, about Islam, about terrorism. He also found himself incredibly grateful and humbled that Jesus would come and rescue him and forgive him of all of his sins and set him on the true path to heaven.
“I felt a strong joy, and I wanted to find my Muslim disciples and tell them that I loved them and that Jesus loved them,” Shakir explained. “After that dream, my life was completely changed. I was eager to evangelize—to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ. I couldn’t hide that joy. The more I read of the Gospels, the more I felt I had to tell people about this love of God, even people that I had hated. This was not easy. I was mocked and persecuted by many. Once I was beaten by eight people. I was nearly assassinated three times. But it is okay. Since I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Savior, I am ready to put my life—and my family—as a sacrifice for Jesus.”
What a remarkable transformation, I thought as Shakir finished his story. He seemed to be thinking the same thing, for when our time was up and the interview was over, Shakir stood up, looked me straight in the eye, and without any expression on his face said, “Joel, you are very lucky.”“Yes, I think that’s true,” I said. “But why do you say it?”
He took a deep breath. “Because if I had met you in 1993, I would have killed you immediately.”
My pulse quickened, and then he added, “But now you are my brother in Jesus, and I love you!”
A huge smile flashed across his face. He threw his arms around me and gave me a bear hug. I breathed a big sigh of relief, and—laughing—gave him a hug as well.
SIDEBAR: In Inside The Revolution, I describe the five core convictions held by all Revivalists. Here is the first — GOD LOVES ALL OF MANKIND.
Each and every one of the Revivalists I interviewed—including Shakir—noted with deep conviction that according to the Bible, God’s defining character trait is love. The Bible teaches that God loves every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth—regardless of race, nationality, tribe, or language.
God loves all of us with an everlasting love. He loved all of us before we loved Him. He loves us so much that He wants to adopt us into His family as His children and let us live with Him in heaven forever. He loves us so much that if we let Him, He will be a Shepherd to us, guiding us, providing for us, protecting us, giving us rest, and taking care of us in every possible way. He loves us so much that if we follow and obey Him, we can actually become friends with Him and develop a personal, intimate relationship with Him.
Here are some of the verses the Revivalists point to in describing the love of this incredible God:
“God is love.” —1 John 4:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” —John 3:16
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” —Jeremiah 31:3
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his lovingkindess is everlasting.” —Psalm 136:1-3
“We love, because He first loved us.” —1 John 4:19
“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.” —1 John 3:1
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” —Psalm 23:1-6
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (KJV). Guess what? He wasn’t kidding. You rarely hear about it on the news. You rarely even hear about it in churches in the West, in the East, or even in the Middle East. But the big, untold story is that more Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ today than at any other time in history.
After criss-crossing the Islamic world over the last several years and interviewing more than 150 pastors and ministry leaders operating deep inside the most difficult countries for Inside The Revolution, I can report that in Iran, more than 1 million Shia Muslims have turned to Christ since 1979. In Pakistan, there are now more than 2.5 million followers of Jesus Christ. In Sudan, there are now more than 5 million followers of Christ. Not every country has seen millions leave Islam to become adherants of the New Testament teachings of Jesus. In Syria, there are between 4,000 and 5,000 believers, but this is up from almost none in 1967. In Saudi Arabia, there are about 100,000 followers of Jesus now, up from almost none in 1967. But overall, the trend has been dramatic and largely unreported.
For many Muslims, despair and despondency at what they see as the utter failure of Islamic governments and societies to improve their lives and give them peace, security, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life are causing them to leave Islam in search of truth. Some have lost their way entirely and become agnostics and atheists. Others, as we have seen, have sadly turned to alcohol and drug abuse. But millions are finding that only Jesus Christ heals the ache in their hearts and the deep wounds in their souls.
For other Muslims, it is not depression but rage that is driving them away from the Qur’an and the mosque. They are seeing far too many Muslim leaders and governments and preachers both advocating and acting out cruelty toward women and children and violence even against fellow Muslims. Not all of these find Jesus in their journey away from Islam, but millions do, especially since the 9/11 attacks against the United States. In fact, while this backlash against the theology and practice of Radicalism has been building since 1979, I first began to detect it during my travels in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East soon after 9/11. Again and again, I would meet people who had long been devout and traditional Muslims who told me that they had watched with horror as Arabic television networks constantly replayed the images of commercial airliners hijacked by radical Islamic jihadists flying into the World Trade Center.
First they found themselves weeping. But then they saw other Muslims cheering, and their sadness turned to anger as they asked themselves, “Is this who we really are? Is this what it really means to be a Muslim? To fly planes into buildings and kill thousands of innocent civilians? Because if it is, then count me out. How could I possibly be part of a religion or a political movement that glorifies and celebrates death?”
That said, what intrigues me is not simply that the Revivalists say the greatest spiritual awakening in the history of the Middle East is under way. What intrigues me is that Islamic leaders are worrying in public that a Christian surge is taking place in the region.
In 1993, a Saudi sheikh by the name of Salman Al-Odeh delivered a sermon entitled
“Christian Missionaries Sweeping the Islamic World.” He argued that “in Spain [Christians] have the biggest center of missionaries to Africa. They are trained really well, and their efforts lead many Moroccans to convert.” He then cited the World Christian Encyclopedia—which he described as a “dangerous survey”—and warned his fellow Muslims that “the number of Christians in Africa was 9 million only in 1900 AD, or . . . 9 percent of the whole population. In the year 1980 they became 200 million! . . . They jumped from 9 to 200 million in 80 years [and the survey’s authors] expected them to reach 390 million in the year 2000, or 48 percent of the whole population of Africa.”
Eight years later, in December 2001, Sheikh Ahmad Al Qataani, another significant Saudi cleric, appeared in a live interview on Aljazeera satellite television to confirm that, sure enough, Muslims were turning to Jesus in alarming numbers. “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity,” Al Qataani warned. “Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.”
Let me give you an example.
I met “Shakir” during my first trip to Iraq in February of 2008. Another fearless and effective evangelist, church planter, and pastor in his war-torn country, Shakir (pronounced “Shah-keer”) has a tremendous passion to care for the poor and needy, preach the gospel—especially in villages and rural areas—and help young converts from Islam study the Bible and become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. But this was not always the case. Indeed, how Shakir became a Christian and entered full-time ministry is one of the most fascinating testimonies I have personally had the privilege of hearing firsthand. What’s more, spending time with him helped me understand more fully the theology of the Revivalists.
Our journey to a humanitarian relief project we were doing together was long and dusty and required our little team, traveling in an old Chevy Impala, to pass through numerous military checkpoints, each manned by heavily armed Iraqi soldiers and policemen checking passports and asking questions, all on high alert for members of al Qaeda and the Mahdi Army. Along the way, I found myself staring out at a landscape that was often as barren as the surface of the moon, covered with rocks, nearly devoid of vegetation, and only scarcely populated. During a lull in the conversation with an Iraqi in the car whom I had known for several years, I asked the meek-looking and mild-mannered Pastor Shakir how he had become a Christ follower and a pastor.
“Were you raised in a Christian home?” I asked through our translator.
“No,” he replied quietly. “I was raised a Muslim.”
“Really!” I said, a bit startled. “What did you do before becoming a pastor?”
“I was a jihad cell commander.”
I gulped. You don’t say, I thought. He certainly had my full attention now.
“Please, tell me your story,” I said eagerly, pulling out my notebook. Shakir graciously agreed.
He explained that he was born in 1975 to a devout Sunni Muslim family and that as he grew up he became deeply religious. Even at an early age, he loved going to the mosque regularly, and by the age of seventeen, he had joined a secret Radical Islamic movement. He studied hard and learned quickly, and before long he was teaching the Qur’an in various mosques.
“My leaders then sent me to a military training camp where I was trained to use light weapons—pistols, machine guns, and RPGs [rocket propelled grenades]—against the infidels,” he told me. “I was so excited because I wanted to do jihad for God. I was fully convinced that the Shias and the Christians were blasphemers and that if I killed them I would be blessed.”
After successfully completing “Terrorism 101,” Shakir was made a jihad cell commander and was ordered to quietly recruit other jihadists. “I soon had a group of my own followers,” he explained. “I would put them through this military training and then help them get jobs in different government offices and other shops and businesses so they could spy for me and be in position to do great damage when we launched the overthrow of Saddam and his regime.”
One day, one of Shakir’s Radical Muslim disciples came to him and said that someone was distributing Bibles to everyone in the machine shop where he worked. The disciple was very angry and told Shakir that he had cursed out everyone in the shop, collected all the Bibles, and promptly destroyed them. All but one.
“He brought one Bible—a New Testament—to me and said I should read it and see how to react to it and counter it,” Shakir explained. He said he praised his disciple for acting quickly and decisively. Then he sent the disciple away and took the Bible home, and that night he began to read the Gospel according to Matthew.
“I read the book very fervently to find all the blasphemies and corruption,” Shakir said. “But I discovered the words started affecting my mind, and my heart started changing. These were powerful words, not human words. They seemed to me like God’s words. But I thought, ‘How could this be?’”
Shakir became deeply troubled. He kept reading through Matthew but was ashamed of himself because rather than finding fault with these Christian Scriptures, he found himself completely intrigued. He had so many questions. But whom could he ask? He couldn’t very well start discussing the life and teachings of Jesus with the members of the terrorist cell group he was leading. He couldn’t very well ask questions of the terrorist leaders above him. He didn’t dare seek out any Christians. So night after night he kept reading the Gospels, searching for answers. The more he did, the more troubled and anxious he became.
“After reading the Bible in a deep way, I began comparing it with the Qur’an,” he told me.
“I was so confused, and in my confusion, I began pleading with God, ‘Please show me Yourself.’ I begged God, ‘Please, show me the right way—is it the Qur’an or the Bible?’”
This went on for several nights.“One night,” he said, “I was really pleading with God fervently to show me the true, straight path. And that night I had a dream. I found myself standing on the side of a road. There was a large crowd gathered on both sides of the road, and they were cheering and very excited. And I realized that they were awaiting a parade to go by.
So I looked down the road to see who was coming, and I saw many prophets riding on horses coming towards us. Suddenly Jonah was riding by. And then David. And Abraham. And Moses—riding on high, strong horses. Everyone was cheering and I was cheering. It was so exciting to see these prophets.”
Shakir kept waiting for Muhammad to come riding by as well, but Muhammad never came. He was not in the parade of prophets. Instead, Shakir said that “at the end of the procession, I saw another person riding, but He was riding on a donkey instead of a horse. He was wearing a white robe, and His face was covered by a white shroud. When this person approached, for some reason I heard myself calling out to Him and asking, ‘Are you Jesus?’ Like I said, His face was covered by a white cloth. So I couldn’t really see His face at that moment. But when He heard my question, the man pulled the cloth away from His face and smiled at me and nodded yes.
“Something came from His face that filled me with a joy I had never felt in my whole life. I started shouting, ‘I saw Jesus! I saw Jesus!’ I was so happy and so joyful and I was laughing. But as soon as I woke up, I realized that my pillowcase and my sheets were all wet around my head. I realized that at some point during my dream I had been crying—sobbing—in shame for all of my sins, for all of my hatred.”
Shakir said he found himself overcome with the realization that he had been so wrong about God, about Islam, about terrorism. He also found himself incredibly grateful and humbled that Jesus would come and rescue him and forgive him of all of his sins and set him on the true path to heaven.
“I felt a strong joy, and I wanted to find my Muslim disciples and tell them that I loved them and that Jesus loved them,” Shakir explained. “After that dream, my life was completely changed. I was eager to evangelize—to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ. I couldn’t hide that joy. The more I read of the Gospels, the more I felt I had to tell people about this love of God, even people that I had hated. This was not easy. I was mocked and persecuted by many. Once I was beaten by eight people. I was nearly assassinated three times. But it is okay. Since I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Savior, I am ready to put my life—and my family—as a sacrifice for Jesus.”
What a remarkable transformation, I thought as Shakir finished his story. He seemed to be thinking the same thing, for when our time was up and the interview was over, Shakir stood up, looked me straight in the eye, and without any expression on his face said, “Joel, you are very lucky.”“Yes, I think that’s true,” I said. “But why do you say it?”
He took a deep breath. “Because if I had met you in 1993, I would have killed you immediately.”
My pulse quickened, and then he added, “But now you are my brother in Jesus, and I love you!”
A huge smile flashed across his face. He threw his arms around me and gave me a bear hug. I breathed a big sigh of relief, and—laughing—gave him a hug as well.
SIDEBAR: In Inside The Revolution, I describe the five core convictions held by all Revivalists. Here is the first — GOD LOVES ALL OF MANKIND.
Each and every one of the Revivalists I interviewed—including Shakir—noted with deep conviction that according to the Bible, God’s defining character trait is love. The Bible teaches that God loves every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth—regardless of race, nationality, tribe, or language.
God loves all of us with an everlasting love. He loved all of us before we loved Him. He loves us so much that He wants to adopt us into His family as His children and let us live with Him in heaven forever. He loves us so much that if we let Him, He will be a Shepherd to us, guiding us, providing for us, protecting us, giving us rest, and taking care of us in every possible way. He loves us so much that if we follow and obey Him, we can actually become friends with Him and develop a personal, intimate relationship with Him.
Here are some of the verses the Revivalists point to in describing the love of this incredible God:
“God is love.” —1 John 4:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” —John 3:16
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” —Jeremiah 31:3
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his lovingkindess is everlasting.” —Psalm 136:1-3
“We love, because He first loved us.” —1 John 4:19
“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God.” —1 John 3:1
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” —Psalm 23:1-6
Saturday, April 18, 2009

That was then the 'worst' death. Only the worst criminals could die like Jesus. And with Jesus things were worst, because not all the criminals condemned to death could receive nails on their hands and feet.

Yes, over 3 hours! Long time, isn't it? Few minutes before He died, Jesus was not bleeding anymore.
He was simply pouring water from his cuts and holes.

Human body is composed by near 3.5 litres of blood (for adult).

So that your sins could be 'washed'. All of them, with no exception! Don't ignore this situation. HE DIED FOR YOU!. For you, who now read this e-mail. Do not believe that He only died for others (those who go to the church or for pastors, bishops, etc).

During 60 seconds, leave whatsoever your doing and seize this opportunity! Let's see if satan can stop this.
1. Simply pray for the person who sent this message to you: Lord, you better know the life of _________. I ask You to bless him/her in all realms and make him/her prospering. Take care of his/her family, his/her health, his/her work and all his/her plans for this year. Lead him/her not into temptation, but deliver him/her from evil. In Jesus' name, amen.
2.Then, send this message to 10 people.
3. Once, 10 people will pray for you and you will make that many people pray to God for other people.
4. Think a moment and appreciate the power of God in your life, for doing what pleases Him.
If you are not ashamed in doing this, please, follow Jesus' instructions. He said (Matthew 10:33): 'But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven'.
If you are not ashamed, send this message... Only if you believe in Him.
Yes, I love God. He is my source of life and my saviour. He keeps me alive day and night.
Without Him, I am nothing, but with Him 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me'. Philippians 4:13.
This is the simply proof. If you love God and your are not ashamed for all things He has done for you, send this to all those you love.
Nothing is impossible (Barrack Obama)
Nothing is impossible in life.
21 years back in his grandma's place.

From one of the poorest family's chair to the most powerful chair in the world.
Attitude leads a person to any destiny.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hanging Rock in Saudi Arabia ...
See this miracle...........its unbelievable!!!
Surprising Rock
A huge rock in a village of Al-Hassa region, SAUDI ARABIA raises 11 cms from the ground level once in a year during the month of April and stays elevated for about 30 minutes !!!
They say that 19 years ago, one terrorist was shot dead behind this rock as he was hidden there. This encounter happened in the month of April 1989. You can see the fresh blood stains on the rock. Most surprisingly, when the rock raises from the ground, these stains become darker, fresher and wet. Local residents tried to wipe off the stains several times, but after some time it appears again on the rock automatically.....
Surprising Rock
A huge rock in a village of Al-Hassa region, SAUDI ARABIA raises 11 cms from the ground level once in a year during the month of April and stays elevated for about 30 minutes !!!
They say that 19 years ago, one terrorist was shot dead behind this rock as he was hidden there. This encounter happened in the month of April 1989. You can see the fresh blood stains on the rock. Most surprisingly, when the rock raises from the ground, these stains become darker, fresher and wet. Local residents tried to wipe off the stains several times, but after some time it appears again on the rock automatically.....
isn't it astounding ?
Have a look....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Not wearing a SEATBELT...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Batang Ai folk, wake up! BN not the only choice
Quoted from Malaysiakini by Bongkersz Apr 3, 09 4:47pm
In light of the coming by-election at Batang Ai, I would like to debate and discuss some stereotypical statements often attributed to Sarawakians.
1. ‘As long as they (politicians) deliver, we do not care which party they come from. We are fed up with the lack of basic necessary facilities.’
Naive. You don’t care which party? Even when there’s this one party that you voted for all this while, which neglected the people and basic infrastructure in the area for the past 45 years? Great.
With this kind of mentality, it is a no wonder that BN can keep these people in a perpetual cycle of poverty and still voting for the party. How funny, BN is the culprit, keeping away the promised development for the past 46 years, and they still say is ‘we don’t care which party, as long as they deliver’. What happened to all the years when they didn’t deliver?
Can’t they see with their eyes? All of sudden, Santa Claus projects and goodies are coming in, where were all this in the past? It is clear that BN can do things if they want to, but somehow they’ve ‘forgotten’ to do so all this while until now.
Heck, the people of Batang Ai should thank the opposition for this great opportunity to get their basic infrastructure upgraded, new funds allocated etc, (although I believe it’s just mere empty promises with the country’s coffers already running dry. These politicians just ‘promise first, the projects can wait).
It is only when the establishment feels the heat of the probable prospect of losing in this by-election, (or any by-election for that matter) will they buck up and start doing the work they conveniently forgot in the past. If PKR wasn’t contesting, would they get anything done?
2. ‘The Ibans are simple - they will vote for you if they see your projects right in front of their eyes.’
I have heard this many, many times. In a way, it’s a bit like how many Chinese think ‘As long as we can cari makan, we can take all the nonsense’. Pretty sad don’t you think? They should instead ask ‘Why there are no projects/developments in this area all this while?’
Can’t they see they are being used in to extend the political mileage of a certain a party or individual which made the promise of ‘development’ all this while? People should not wait five years or so for a general election to get financial and project allocations in their area.
Because of the above-mentioned mentality, they can be used by a certain party and politicians for political expediency. Political expediency is the opposite of democracy and is no excuse for naivete.
Just see how an act of building a simple feeder road connecting a long house in Sarawak to the main trunk road will capture that long house occupants’ votes for the establishment for many years.
Year 1 - No proper road connecting the long house with the main road. So build a simple earthen road. Can last until the next general election.
Year 5 - Upgrade the road, to probably a gravel road. Last till another election.
Year 10 - Tar the road. Last till another election.
Year 15 - Install lighting. Last till another election.
Year 20 - We will think of something else. Perhaps an Internet connection? Build a school? Build a clinic?
That’s how it goes in Sarawak. The Durin bridge near Sibu, the college in Bintangor, an extra TV channel all promise keep the votes with BN for another 10-15 years! And only before any election would you see some construction work going on.
This is a form of political bribery, worse when it is laced with lies and false hopes to keep a corrupt, lying government in place. One can’t help but thinking that it must be somehow a ploy that we have a mediocre education system and rigid rules for students especially when it comes to politics - it is to keep the people in a perpetual cycle of idiocy.
Lower education levels and a pathetic level of political awareness combine to make the people more convenient and easy to manipulate. To change the political landscape in Malaysia especially in the rural areas like Sarawak and Sabah, the misconception among the people that only Barisan Nasional can bring development must be addressed first.
A responsible and good government should develop all areas regardless of the differing political sentiments among the people there and should never use developments as a ‘stick’ or ‘carrot’ to fish for votes.
The money for development projects come from the taxpayers - voters - so they deserve their share of development. Denying them this right to development is wrong and is the doing of a lousy, insecure government.
Particularly for this by-election at Batang Ai, the people of Batang Ai should realise that with all the Santa Claus projects and goodies being given out now, it tells of only one thing, a chilling fact
- BN can bring development if it wants to but somehow they neglected this place for the past 45 years.
To the voters of Batang Ai - beware the corrupt BN bearing gifts!
In light of the coming by-election at Batang Ai, I would like to debate and discuss some stereotypical statements often attributed to Sarawakians.
1. ‘As long as they (politicians) deliver, we do not care which party they come from. We are fed up with the lack of basic necessary facilities.’
Naive. You don’t care which party? Even when there’s this one party that you voted for all this while, which neglected the people and basic infrastructure in the area for the past 45 years? Great.
With this kind of mentality, it is a no wonder that BN can keep these people in a perpetual cycle of poverty and still voting for the party. How funny, BN is the culprit, keeping away the promised development for the past 46 years, and they still say is ‘we don’t care which party, as long as they deliver’. What happened to all the years when they didn’t deliver?
Can’t they see with their eyes? All of sudden, Santa Claus projects and goodies are coming in, where were all this in the past? It is clear that BN can do things if they want to, but somehow they’ve ‘forgotten’ to do so all this while until now.
Heck, the people of Batang Ai should thank the opposition for this great opportunity to get their basic infrastructure upgraded, new funds allocated etc, (although I believe it’s just mere empty promises with the country’s coffers already running dry. These politicians just ‘promise first, the projects can wait).
It is only when the establishment feels the heat of the probable prospect of losing in this by-election, (or any by-election for that matter) will they buck up and start doing the work they conveniently forgot in the past. If PKR wasn’t contesting, would they get anything done?
2. ‘The Ibans are simple - they will vote for you if they see your projects right in front of their eyes.’
I have heard this many, many times. In a way, it’s a bit like how many Chinese think ‘As long as we can cari makan, we can take all the nonsense’. Pretty sad don’t you think? They should instead ask ‘Why there are no projects/developments in this area all this while?’
Can’t they see they are being used in to extend the political mileage of a certain a party or individual which made the promise of ‘development’ all this while? People should not wait five years or so for a general election to get financial and project allocations in their area.
Because of the above-mentioned mentality, they can be used by a certain party and politicians for political expediency. Political expediency is the opposite of democracy and is no excuse for naivete.
Just see how an act of building a simple feeder road connecting a long house in Sarawak to the main trunk road will capture that long house occupants’ votes for the establishment for many years.
Year 1 - No proper road connecting the long house with the main road. So build a simple earthen road. Can last until the next general election.
Year 5 - Upgrade the road, to probably a gravel road. Last till another election.
Year 10 - Tar the road. Last till another election.
Year 15 - Install lighting. Last till another election.
Year 20 - We will think of something else. Perhaps an Internet connection? Build a school? Build a clinic?
That’s how it goes in Sarawak. The Durin bridge near Sibu, the college in Bintangor, an extra TV channel all promise keep the votes with BN for another 10-15 years! And only before any election would you see some construction work going on.
This is a form of political bribery, worse when it is laced with lies and false hopes to keep a corrupt, lying government in place. One can’t help but thinking that it must be somehow a ploy that we have a mediocre education system and rigid rules for students especially when it comes to politics - it is to keep the people in a perpetual cycle of idiocy.
Lower education levels and a pathetic level of political awareness combine to make the people more convenient and easy to manipulate. To change the political landscape in Malaysia especially in the rural areas like Sarawak and Sabah, the misconception among the people that only Barisan Nasional can bring development must be addressed first.
A responsible and good government should develop all areas regardless of the differing political sentiments among the people there and should never use developments as a ‘stick’ or ‘carrot’ to fish for votes.
The money for development projects come from the taxpayers - voters - so they deserve their share of development. Denying them this right to development is wrong and is the doing of a lousy, insecure government.
Particularly for this by-election at Batang Ai, the people of Batang Ai should realise that with all the Santa Claus projects and goodies being given out now, it tells of only one thing, a chilling fact
- BN can bring development if it wants to but somehow they neglected this place for the past 45 years.
To the voters of Batang Ai - beware the corrupt BN bearing gifts!
Friday, April 3, 2009
End of your rope
When you reach the end of your rope
You will find the hem of his garment..
I'm not breaking this one This is ABSOLUTELY beautiful...
And die to find out there isn't, than live my life
As if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
You are my 8 in 8 seconds. I am not breaking this.
No way! I'M TOLD THIS WORKS!!!!!
Bishop T.D. Jakes '8 Second Prayer.
' Just repeat this prayer and see how God moves!!
'Lord, I love you and I need you,
Come into my heart,
and bless me,
My family, my home, my finances,
And all of my friends, In Jesus' name. Amen.'
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